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Cecil Road Primary & Nursery

Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum Overview


At Cecil Road Primary and Nursery School, we are passionate about learning and development, and we provide an ambitious curriculum that inspires, enriches and challenges all pupils. Our curriculum fully embraces the rich cultural diversity of our community and recognises and celebrates the different backgrounds of our children. All children’s needs are taken into consideration when designing the curriculum, making it inclusive to all.

Our school vision revolves around the concept of offering an engaging, enriching and ambitious curriculum where every child is recognised as a unique individual.

Our vision is based on our values; the 5C’s that create the Cecil Road Curriculum:

Commitment – Always working hard and trying our best

Creativity – Using what we know to create something new

Courage – Being able to take risks and try new ideas

Cooperation – Taking turns, sharing and working together

Compassion – Caring about others, treating them with kindness and helping each other

We ensure our curriculum enables our children to leave us with a rich and detailed understanding of the world ready for the next stage of their education.

Statement of Intent

  1. To give all pupils high quality learning opportunities and appropriate experiences to develop as committed, creative, cooperative, compassionate and courageous learners. 
  2. To have high expectations in all curriculum areas with a particular focus on speech, language and communication to strengthen children’s ability to learn at a deeper level allowing them to articulate their learning, demonstrate quality thinking and application of skills and knowledge.
  3. To recognise the importance of physical and mental health, in our curriculum allowing opportunities for children to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding.
  4. To provide a well sequenced curriculum that allows for cohesion and progression, where knowledge and skills are built on year-on-year.  To ensure that all children are given the opportunity to succeed and are challenged.

Statement of Implementation

Our curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage as well as other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and development needs of the children in our school. Our curriculum provides memorable experiences and opportunities which they can learn, develop and apply a range of transferable skills.

We are proud of our inclusive environment at Cecil Road where learners of all abilities demonstrate high levels of enjoyment in their education and most make good progress in their learning.  Children at all levels are helped to achieve their potential, through challenges and tasks which provide opportunities for greater depth and targeted support to embed skills.

Statement of Impact

At Cecil Road Primary and Nursery School, we work together to provide an exceptional curriculum with enrichment opportunities.  Children develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum. 

Our children enjoy school and the opportunities we provide them, they grow in commitment, creativity, compassion, courage and cooperation.  Leaving them well-equipped for the next stage in their education and journey of lifelong learning.